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License Types

We have different license models for our customers. Before you buy a new product, you can decide between the license models.

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Payment options

You can purchase our products via payment gateways such as PayPal. The availability of the payment types may differ in which country you live.

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Refund policy

We offer digital goods which are available immediately after your payment is completed. In this way we do not refund our products.

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  • How may I contact you?
    For general questions please contact us via contact form. It's the fastest and easiest way. If you want to stay in contact you may also add us via Skype. We are also available on other platforms like Elitepvpers and YouTube. All contact data are linked on our contact us page.
  • Where can I download purchased software?
    You can download your products on your account purchases page. If you bought products without an account, you should received an email with all required details.
  • How can I update my software on a new software release?
    You can always download the latest version of your purchased software applications directly from your account purchases. On a new software update you will be noticed after a program launch if you want to download the latest version.
  • The software has been blocked by my antivirus, what can I do?
    All our software products which has been downloaded from the official store are safe to use. Because we have integrated a high security level and a lot of complexity systems within our software, may some antivirus scanner can block the execution of MCDEV Software products.

    Dont be scared, it's just a false-positive detection. This means that there is no real infect. You can simply whitelist all our products or may report the detected software to your antivirus vendor.

    Please also contact us if you are not sure what to do. You may also contact us regarding the false-positive alert. We need to know which antivirus you use. With this information we can also contact the company to whitelist our product.

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